Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Hello again.

I was looking at my last blog and decided to write more today. Cause I'm just in one of those moods.

Lets think about since I last wrote.... hmmm  I am officially single now.  My decision.  and I don't really want to get with anyone.  Thinking about some but not sure.  I really just want to make friends in Logan.  That is all I want right now.

My classes are totally great.  Sometimes I'm exhausted but I love them anyways. I only actually have classes tuesday and thursday.  So I get to sleep in all those other days.

I honestly don't know what to write.

Nothing exciting has really happened in my life lately.  Oh except when I actually hung out with a group of people one weekend.  It was the most fun I have had in a while.  I made some good friends. And I've been up to their apartments almost every day since :D

When something exciting actually happens in my life, I promise to write it down.  But for now...  not sure it'll happen...

might be a while before I write again.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So...   I've been told I need to write another blog.  I wasn't sure what to write it on.  But then I came up with something..

So I will start out with About Me.  (you may learn something you didn't know before)

Just in case you didn't know..

My name is Emily Marguerite Mikhail.  

My mom always loved the name Emily so therefore that is my name.  

My middle name, Marguerite, is from my Grandma.  Marguerite (Assaad) Mikhail was an amazing women.  She was a teacher and taught...  too many things for me to write.  She knew 9 different languages and had the best degree a human being could get.  She became a self doctor and turned her garage into her pharmacy doctor area.  She was mainly an herb doctor.  She had diabetes and got very very sick.  She refused to go to the hospital until one day she was FORCED to go.  She was in the hospital for about a month or so..   then she died.  This happened in my 9th Grade Year.  She died on a Friday and my family flew up to Canada that following Sunday morning.  We got there Sunday night and all got situated.  On Monday we had the seeing thing (whatever that is called) and it was very weird.  The next day was the Funeral in which Melissa and I sang a song.  Melissa cried the whole song so I ended up singing a solo.  We went to where she was going to be buried and it rained the whole time.  My grandma still doesn't have a grave stone because of some weird reason my grandpa decided.  The next day Melissa and I got on a plane.  Just the two of us.  And flew home.  She had classes she couldn't miss.  And I had an NAL meet.     One of the hardest years of my life.  But it was nice coming home to a "feel better" card which was signed by half of the NAL team.  (which may I add I still have and will never throw away)

That is my middle name...

My last name is Mikhail as you all know.  It is Arabic and is not pronounced right.  But its too complicated to try to get everyone to pronounce it correctly so we don't.  Also I have lots of relatives in Canada.  Mikhails.....Michaels...   (pronounced the same... they decided to spell it different)   and also some Assaads and Botros   (If I've missed anyone... I am very sorry)

I am 18 years old at this moment.  My birthday is July 19th 1990.  My first best friend's birthday was that day and it was awesome being the same age.  There was also a boy I liked whose birthday was that day but we only dated for 2 weeks.  Then I learned he was stupid.  The third person's birthday on that day became one of my best friends but later became someone I can't even think about without feeling angry.  She hurt me worse then a friend ever could  (or should).    I have only been home ON my birthday 3 times.  My 14th birthday in which I ended up babysitting my little sisters and my cousins  (don't remember how that happened) and I also saw A Cinderella Story at the North Pointe Theatre which I took my sisters and cousin to.  On my 16th Birthday I went to North Pointe again with my cousin Nathan and his friend (my boyfriend at the time) TJ and we saw Transformers.  On my 18th birthday I hung out with my Boyfriend Dan.  It I remember right we watched Batman (The Dark Knight) that night...  

Other birthdays I remember distinctively....

my 10th birthday (party).  July 16th 2000.  I had a sleepover.  Half the girls there I didn't even know  (my mom just invited people cause I didn't have many friends).  My cousins Codie and Parker Madsen stayed at our house and that was the night my cousin Gracie was born.

my 13th birthday was the biggest mess up at Bear Lake my family has ever had.  Somehow our reservations got messed up and we were signed up for the next week.  It was their fault so they let my family stay in the playground area at the KOA.  That was the first time a boy ever hit on me.  And also the first time a boy tried to stop other boys from hitting on me.  My oldest brother got me a spoon from Bear Lake.  My older sister got me a card that had a mirror in it.  I also had a ding-dong as my cake and 13 tall skinny calendars on it  (Which I still have).

On my 15th birthday I was forced to go to Canada and I cried my whole birthday.  I was stuck in a motorhome with 11 other people.  My aunt felt bad so at the next stop (Iowa) she bought me a spoon and a sucker and then we celebrated  ( I still cried).   It ended up being a fun trip.  But I still wish we could have left two days later.

Every other birthday I was on a vacation somewhere...   doesn't matter.

My first favorite color was yellow but for some reason I decided I hated it and have never liked yellow since.  I now love blue, green and purple.   Sometimes green is in front of blue but purple is always last.   I like other colors too but  they don't really matter.

I am allergic to milk..   its that simple..   I can eat stuff with milk in it. but never milk straight.  I am also allergic to chocolate  (it might actually be the milk in it....)  I still eat it though but it makes me sick.

I'm not actually sure what my favorite food is.  I like Pizza, Chinese, Japanese, and many other things..

I have played the piano since I was 4 but I'm not really that good at it  (I never lasted longer then a year with a piano teacher and ended up quitting at 16 because my teacher stopped teaching me).  First instrument I ever wanted to play was trumpet.  Then I wanted to play drums.  Then guitar. I didn't know what a flute was but somehow ended up playing it.  I also play other instruments or have at some point or another in my life.  I've played violin, tenor sax, alto sax, recorder, ukulele, clarinet...   and I can't think of anything else.

I am a Mormon.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I always have been and always will be.  I do not remember before the Mountain Ward.  First Bishop I remember is Bishop Stowers  (President Stowers now...  but not for long.  He is getting released in a week or so).  Second Bishop was Bishop Shaw.  He was basically a teenager in a grownup body.  The Bishop after that was my daddy, then Bishop Anderson, Bishop Burch and now it is Bishop Peterson.  

I have broken my arm(s) 8 times.  My right arm 6 times  (one of those times was actually my elbow) and my left one twice.  First time was when I was one and the last time was when I was 10. That last year I was given herbs that made my bones stronger and I have not broken a bone since.

In 7th grade I was in a car accident that has left me hurting since.  I went to the chiropractor 2 times a week for 2 months then only once every 2 weeks for another 2 months.  Then once a month for two months and now go every 6 weeks (or when I can with my family)  The first time I went to the chiropractor after that accident I could not move my head to the left or the right farther then an inch.    Before my senior year I went on a stake trek to martin's grove.  On the second day hiking over a hill my shoulder popped and I could no lift it higher then my chest.  I spent the rest of Trek in a sling.  6 months later (my senior year of high school) I started getting a stinging pain in my back on the left side.  I went to Physical Therapy for 3 weeks and it was very very painful...    I'm better but still have to do exercises  (do I?   no...)

High School was an interesting time for me.  I'll shorten it and if you want details.... ask.

Sophmore year I had a boyfriend but he ignored me but I went with it anyways.  He got asked out a lot and went with them....  it was not very fun for me.       that's my sophmore year....

Junior year I couldn't take the neglect any longer and broke up with him.  I then dated 9 other boys.  Brian Hoffmann, Mason Geilman, Matt Lund, Matt Lunt  (weird huh), Jeff Linville, Adam Christensen, TJ Mihu, Dan Lippert, Derrick Staheli.  I then got back with my first boyfriend.  In which things were going great my senior year.  Til something happened.  I did not find out about it til April 1st that year.  And I did not believe it...  but found out it was true.  My boyfriend cheated on me.  I tried forgiving him and claimed I did for the rest of senior year then two weeks after graduation when I hadn't even HEARD from him since the graduation party...  he finally called me...   and I broke up with him.  Cause I never forgave him.

I then started dating another boy.  

I'll now start talking about being at Utah State.  I am a student at Utah State University.  There were three reasons for moving up here.  (1) My closest cousins live in Logan. (2) My brother went here. (3) a music teacher came to Weber High and convinced me.

I was going to become a Music Major but decided not to after I was declined by the Music Program.  I then decided I wanted to be a teacher. Elementary teacher...  Deaf Teacher.  So I am now on my way to a degree in teaching.  In a year or so I should be accepted and then two years after that I should be done and be a certified, degree holding, deaf teacher/elementary teacher.  I also decided that I will minor in Business.  Still not positive why I decided that.  But I did.

I live at the apartments I do  (I ain't giving my address away on here. You know where I live) with Colette as my roommate.  There is also Ashley, Janette, McCalle and Camille.  It's great and I love it.  I have no job and have been trying since I moved here.  Colette and I are living here over the summer and will get jobs then.  We are then going to keep them so we can actually pay for things.

My dream someday is to move to New York.  It has been my dream since I was about 7 years old.  And every movie I've seen since (even the bad, horror like ones) has convinced me even more.  As you know, I would also love to go to Ireland. Live there? Visit? who knows. But I will go someday.  If I were to live anywhere outside of the United States...  it'll be somewhere in Europe.  Not positive where but I will.

That is my blog for now.  If I ever have the urge to tell you more about my life I will.  There was a lot more I could have told you here but I decided not to.

Dear Cameron,

I hope you like this blog.  I wrote it for every one but never would have started if you hadn't told me to.  This was very fun for me.  And once I started writing... I just kept going.  Now you may know more about me.

Love you ALL!