Utah State is a great school. I hated it at first. So much did I hate it that I was, without a doubt, moving back to Ogden. But then over Christmas Break something changed. My attitude? My thoughts? My feelings? I'm not sure. It might have been all of those and it might have been none. But one thing I know for sure is that I am suppose to stay in Logan. I need to go to this school. And nothing.. I REPEAT NOTHING.. will stop me.
I have decided I will live here and I will finish school. I will not transfer unless that is what I need to do at the time. I will stay where I need to be.
I'm worried. Have I gotten in over my head? Did I say the wrong thing when I promised? What do I do?! I have done this so many times but I just can't do it again.
I know what I need to do for me. And I know that I will not change what I know to be true to make someone else happy. As much as I want to... This is a time in my life when I need to do what is in the better for me.
Nothing will stop me.
Nothing will change my mind.